Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Author : Agnes DavonarPublisher : Published InandraFirst year of issue : 2008Number of Pages : 232

This book tells the back story of a girl named Keke melancholy or Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika . He is a fairly rare disease called Rabdosmiosarkoma or in layman's language is known as soft tissue cancer . Keke itself is the first patient in Indonesia, which detected the disease . This is what makes the story very moving . Keke convicted contracted the disease at the age of 13 years and only within 5 days only ! The soft tissue cancer slowly changed the face of young keke . He became someone who no longer recognizable because his face into something that is beautiful to the eye . For children , may face such cruelty would be summoned monsters .
This book is based on a true story . The authors pack keke fight against cancer is well . Although in some parts of it are too imposing moral character entered in the dialog so screwed up some settings . But , anyway , this book still provides the main spirit of the younger generation that no matter how cobaannya , we must stand up and face it .

Keke struggle had sweet fruit , because the doctors managed to cure the illness . It becomes an achievement for the world of medicine in Indonesia at that time and became a byword in other countries . Many ask how can the malignant disease conquered . The polemic finally got an answer , because the hardness is only " temporarily cured " . Some time after he was undergoing treatment , the malignant cancer visit again and once again invade the body and spirit . Keke realized , can not be extended in time to live again with drugs and others. Sure enough , he died on December 26 in 2006 . Before he died , he had time to write a letter . This letter then that inspired the title of the selection of " Small Letters To God " . Here are excerpts of the letter keke :

Suppose , ..... all are likely to occur ,
But have you were thinking about it ?
Have you ever wondered what would happen
If everything can happen again ?
In this novel , Agnes Davonar emphasize the significance of a time in the life of this world .
The real story 13 -year -old girl survived the most lethal malignant cancer in the world .

God ..............
I wish I could go back
I do not want to be weeping in this world
God ............
I wish I could go back
I hope there is no longer the same thing happened to me
Happen to other people
God ...............
Can I write Small Letter For You?
God ................
Can I ask one small thing to you?
God ..................
Biakanlah I could be able to see with my eyes
To look at the sky and moon every day
If reviewed , this book is interesting . Not just talk someone suffering problems , but also shows a struggle as well surrender to the Creator . The author of this novel managed to convey the story well keke . Keke addition , another character in the story include his own father Keke , friends keke the Fadha , Maya , Shifa , ida and Andhini , there is also Dr . Adhi , Dr. . Mukhlis , Andi , Mr. Iyus . Because it is based on a true story , the figures are all real . Perhaps this is what makes the character of the figures clearly defined .
In general , this novel deserves to be read . Groove that is used is a mixture of forward and backward . While the setting of the story include Keke homes , schools , hospitals as well as some pieces of the incident in a villa . The author uses the first person narrative viewpoint . So when we read this book as if he were listening to Keke tells its own story . The selection of the language used is quite light so the author of this novel can be read to the public . The novel is also a lot of morals and values ​​insert religion . Of course this is a good lesson for the reader .
Synopsis novel Small Letters To God only discusses important elements in this story . For a deeper impression , there is no harm if you take the time to read the whole novel . He deserves to be read was infused meaning. Happy reading ya !